Trial: Web of Science Research Assistant
Dear users, We want to inform you about the possibility of using the trial access to Web of Science Research Assistant. WoS RA is a platform that uses generative AI to facilitate the search and analysis of scientific information. Trial access is open to you from 17 March to 30 April 2025. You can f…
Webinář pro autory článků: Write and co-author research articles in SciFlow
Dear colleagues, Let me to invite you to a webinar on Thursday 27 April at 2 pm: Write and co-author research articles in SciFlow across institutions worldwide – registration and further information SciFlow Authoring Platform enables convenient writing, supports collaboration…
For authors: possibility to publish article with no APC
Dear colleagues, Thanks to UPCE's participation in several consortia for subscriptions to electronic information resources (CzechELib), UPCE authors have the opportunity to benefit from publishing articles in hybrid and Gold OA journals of these publishers: American Chemical Soc…
For FChT: Meet the Editor online webinar
Dear academic staff, dear doctoral students, Let me invite you to a webinar that should help you to obtain, I quote: "... tips and advice on getting your research published and maximising your impact." The Royal Society of Chemistry, in association with the CzechELib and National Library…