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The Centre for Ethics Library was established within the project The Centre for Ethics as Study in Human Value.

The Centre for Ethics as Study in Human Value (CE), attached to The Department of Philosophy and Religious Studies, was founded in 2017. The Centre's mission is to conduct basic research that will inform and enliven debates on fundamental questions of value, both within specialised academic spheres and in public discourse. The Centre's activities include regular seminars, workshops and conferences, as well as collaborations with a range of international partners.

The CE library, primarily focused on ethics, philosophy and social sciences, is an integral part of the Centre for Ethics. With 9000 different library units, it is situated on the first floor in building G at the University of Pardubice campus. 

The majority of our collection covers the following fields: moral philosophy, political philosophy, applied ethics and ancient ethics. While practical philosophy represents the main field of interest, other disciplines within philosophy are represented too, notably philosophy of religion, philosophical psychology, philosophy of language, philosophy of mind, philosophy of science and philosophical anthropology.

The CE Library also subscribes physical copies of the most important ethical journals, for example Ethics, Journal of Ethics, Journal of Moral Philosophy, Ethical Theory and Moral Practice, Philosophy and Literature, Journal of Value Inquiry, The Journal of Philosophy, European Journal of Political Theory, or Philosophical Investigations.

The majority of books are in English, still a significant number of books are available in other world languages, including German, French. Students may also find relevant texts in Czech language.

  • You can search and browse within the online catalogue.
  • Anyone with a Pardubice University´s Library card can loan books.
  • You can return the books directly in the CE library, in the main building of the University Library, or into the bibliobox located in front of the main building of the University Library.

How to find the CE books

In the online catalog, enter a topic/title in the search field and you can narrow the list of results by clicking on the Centrum pro etiku in the right column in the Buildings with items section.

Opening hours

Up-to-date information on the opening and loan hours of the CE Library can be found on its website. Alternatively, you can contact the librarian for an individual appointment - see below.

Contact person

Mgr. Monika Melzerová
Faculty of Arts and Philosophy