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Sciflow Authoring Platform is an online text editor for authors of academic texts, especially articles and theses. It can also be used to create other documents and greatly facilitates collaborative writing.

Among the biggest advantages of SciFlow are:

  • a large selection of scientific journal templates and citation styles and a continuous increase in the number of templates based on user recommendations (now also the Czech version of the ISO 690 citation standard)
  • template for theses written in English:
  • co-authors can write and comment at the same time (tracking changes and versioning is a matter of course)
  • easy re-reformatting, simple insertion of tables, equations and special characters
  • pre-existing connection to Mendeley and Zotero citation managers
  • exports to DOCX, PDF, HTML or JATS
  • spelling and grammar check in ENG and GER

Use this link to sign up for SciFlow: or sign in via UPCE Login

If you are missing a template, citation style, or have any other comments, please contact the developers at They are very friendly and helpful.  

More information about SciFlow:




04/13/2023 - 14:27

Webinář pro autory článků: Write and co-author research articles in SciFlow

Sciflow Authoring Platform is an online text editor for authors of academic texts, especially articles and theses. It can also be used to create other documents and greatly facilitates collaborative writing. Among the biggest advantages of SciFlow are: a large selection of scientific journal templat…

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Simplify writing a scientific paper with SciFlow

Sciflow Authoring Platform is an online text editor for authors of academic texts, especially articles and theses. It can also be used to create other documents and greatly facilitates collaborative writing. Among the biggest advantages of SciFlow are: a large selection of scientific journal templat…