The UPCE University Library offers a wide range of information education. From library tours and frontal lectures, to specialized seminars and webinars, to individual consultations. All in both Czech and English. Choose from our range of offerings, or feel free to ask us for tailor-made training.
- The lecture will clarify all the processes and procedures that you will encounter when you arrive at the library the first time. You will learn the details of the loan process, services, and possibilities of information assistance in the UPCE library.
- It is designed mainly for first-year students.
- Language of lecture: English
- Contact:
- Mgr. Eva Kupfová,, phone +420 466 036 546
- Mgr. Lenka Švandová Maršálková, Ph.D.,, phone +420 466 036 546
- In the lecture we will teach you how to search mainly in specialized databases, discovery search engine Primo and UPCE Digital Library. We will advise you on search tactics using operators, where to find an overview of all electronic information resources available at UPCE and how to access them from home.
- Lectures are focused on a specific faculty or discipline/study programme.
- For students who need to orient in the issue of searching for suitable study literature; first and second year students but also students who are getting ready to write the final thesis.
- Language of lecture: English
- Contact:
- Mgr. Eva Kupfová,, phone +420 466 036 546
- Mgr. Lenka Švandová Maršálková, Ph.D.,, phone +420 466 036 546
- At the lecture we will teach you to cite documents according to the ČSN ISO 690 standard. We will demonstrate how to work with the Citation Manager Citation PRO.
- It is designed for all students who need to get information on the issue of citation, especially for students of the last years.
- Language of lecture: English
- Contact:
- Mgr. Veronika Kolínová,, phone +420 466 036 536
- During the visit to the library, the visitors will get acquainted with the premises, basic processes and services offered by the UPCE University Library.
- The tours are mainly intended for first year students, high school students and visitors to open days.
- Language of tour: English
- Contact:
- Mgr. Eva Kupfová,, phone +420 466 036 546
- Mgr. Lenka Švandová Maršálková, Ph.D.,, phone +420 466 036 546