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The Czech Science Foundation does not mandatorily require open access to project results, however, according to the tender documentation, it is advisable to publish the results in the open access form if the practice in the given field, the character of the results, and the terms and conditions for the Project so permit. Alternatively, the publication results can be transferred to open digital archives pursuant to the terms and conditions of the publisher’s licence (green open access). The costs of publishing the results in the form of Open Access (article processing charges, APC) are considered eligible costs regardless of whether the journal is pure open access or hybrid (gold open access). 

In response to the Directive (EU) 2019/1024 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 20 June 2019 on open data and the re-use of public sector information, the tender documentation newly addresses the issue of research data management

Project proposals for projects starting in 2023 must now include a brief description of the data generated by the project and how this data will be handled. According to the tender documentation, the costs of managing the research data and of the creation of the Data Management Plan (DMP) are eligible.

KAPPA Programme (CZ RESEARCH Program EEA and Norway Funds 2014-2021)

Beneficiaries in the KAPPA programme are required to ensure open access to all the J-type project results, i.e., peer-reviewed scientific articles, and to all underlying data related to such publications. Research data should be managed responsibly, in line with the FAIR principles (findable, accessible, interoperable, reusable), and should be made available in line with the principle “as open as possible, as closed as necessary”. Beneficiaries are further required to submit a Data Management Plan within the first six months of the project where they describe what data will be created, processed and / or collected. 

You can find more detailed information about the requirements along with a guide how to fulfil them on the TA CR website

The pages were prepared using information retrieved from the website of the Charles University Open Science Support Centre.