Published: 24.07.2014
Vážení uživatelé,
pravé byla vydána nová edice metrik časopisů zařazených do databáze Scopus. Více viz tisková zpráva níže.
Scopus releases 2013 Journal Metrics |
Elsevier is pleased to announce the release of the 2013 Journal Metrics based on Scopus data. The metrics provide alternative, transparent and accurate views of the citation impact a journal makes, and are all available for free download at The impact metrics are based on methodologies developed by external bibliometricians and use Scopus as the data source. Scopus is the largest citation database of peer-reviewed literature and features tools to track, analyze and visualize research output. Source Normalized Impact per Paper (SNIP) SCImago Journal Rank (SJR) The SNIP is developed by Leiden University's Centre for Science & Technology Studies (CWTS). The SJR is developed by the SCImago research group in Spain. More informatio... |